Baygroup Insurance

Maryland's premier Long-Term Care insurance agency


Attention Long Term Care Shoppers: Costs and Other Realities

Modern consumers have greatly benefited from the ability to comparison shop and order from virtually any purveyor. This reality has even started to infiltrate the healthcare market.

However, long term care decisions for yourself or a loved one tend to be more difficult and cannot necessarily be made at the touch of a button through technology like Siri and Alexa. Whether the search is for a home health care worker, or, a facility such as an assisted living facility or nursing home, the choice is often a complex and nuanced one.

What is Long Term Care Planning?

Have you been a caregiver for a loved one who did not have insurance to pay for long term care and they relied solely on you for help? Did it impact your health, your lifestyle, or income? Would you have preferred that you could supervise the care instead?
Throughout their working years most people look forward to a long life, dream of what they want to do when they retire, and save with hopes that it will be a worry-free time for finances. However, while budgeting for retirement many people forget to account for one of the most important aspects of this special time in their lives: their long term care.


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