Baygroup Insurance

Maryland's premier Long-Term Care insurance agency

Long term care planning

Do You Have a Long Term Care Plan?

Do you have a plan for your long-term care when you become a senior? When the time comes and it finally becomes harder for you to perform daily activities on your own, it is important to know what you want to do. Will you move in with children or other relatives? Hire a caregiver to come to your home? Move to an assisted living facility? Go it alone for as long as possible? Whatever your decision it is important to understand the full physical, financial, and emotional impact on yourself and your loved ones.

Wage Inflation and Long Term Care Planning

Today’s long term care insurance buyers have enjoyed a sustained multi-year period of low inflation. I say "enjoyed" because today’s buyers are normally pre-retirement, and therefore value low mortgage and interest rates more than their retired counterparts.

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