Baygroup Insurance

Maryland's premier Long-Term Care insurance agency

Long Term Care Insurance

What is required for a voluntary group long term care insurance plan?

To establish a voluntary group, a full census of all employees, whether being offered coverage or not, must be submitted to the insurance company with request form specific to each company.  Approval by the insurance company of a voluntary group is required to obtain a group discount.   

If the employer pays for coverage, there may be an opportunity to have fewer health questions.  

How does long term care insurance provide benefits?

Policies pay for qualified long term care cost based on the contract.  The basis can be cost-Incurred Benefit/Reimbursement Plan or Indemnity Benefit or Cash Benefit

A cost incurred benefit reimburses actual expenses up to the stated daily or monthly benefit amount.

What is the cost of long term care?

Find out what the cost of care is across the United States by reviewing Cost of Care Study.  You can see what the cost of care is in three different city/state combinations not only today but in the future.  It is important to know the cost of care today, but also in the future when you may need care.  The benefit level you select in designing a long term care should take into account the future cost of care.

For Members of Associations

Are you looking to increase member retention and new members to your Group* or Association?

Add member benefits that will provide additional value without additional cost to your organization or using staff time to implement!

You value your association members. The discounted programs and financial vehicles you have made available to them have helped them provide for their families’ health as well as maintain and grow their wealth. 

How many members are needed for an association group long term care program?

One carrier has a minimum of 100 eligible members, other carriers have requirements for new applications on an annual basis.  For current available offerings contact Baygroup Insurance.

Where do I buy long term care insurance in Maryland?

You can contact Baygroup Insurance.  We will educate you so that you can make an informed decision.  We will help you design a plan that meets your individual needs.  

What is long term care insurance?

Long term care insurance protects against the cost of care resulting from an injury, illness, accident, development of a chronic condition or the fraility that comes with aging.  Costs occur when either facility care (nursing home or assisted living) or care in the home or in the community (home health care or adult day care) when paid caregivers are needed. 

How much does long term care insurance cost?

The cost varies with each person. It is based on state of residence, age, health and benefits selected. To obtain specific pricing, contact a long term care planning specialist with Baygroup Insurance.

Long Term Care Insurance - Middletown, Frederick County, Maryland

Melissa was extraordinarily helpful in my recent decision to purchase long term care insurance. She really did a good job explaining basic concepts of long term care insurance to me and my wife. She was able to explain complex ideas in simple to understand terms. She provided both background material and specific details of coverage. She explained the options and why one choice might be better than others. My research with other companies and websites, time and again proved the value of her advice. She was extremely responsive to my questions and concerns. I never felt pressure or rushed to make a decision or purchase. Her explanations and suggestions made me comfortable with my purchase. I recommend Melissa Barnickel to you if you are interested in Long Term Care insurance. -Peter A., Middletown, Maryland


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